
Weight Loss

Weight Loss

Weight Loss services offered in Debary, FL

Around 45% of people globally report trying to lose weight, but many of them struggle to see any results from their attempts. At NextHealth Care in Debary, Florida, family physicians Irelis Rodriguez Castro, MD; Alireza Ebneshahidi, MD; and their team provide professional weight-loss guidance so you can reduce your risk of various diseases that often develop alongside increased body fat. Call NextHealth Care or book an appointment online for a weight-loss consultation today.

service Q&A

How can I lose weight?

Many people share a goal of losing weight but aren’t sure how to start seeing progress. NextHealth Care offers medical weight-loss services to guide and support you as you reduce your body weight. 

Medical weight loss can involve multiple different approaches that aim to nourish you while helping you burn calories. Healthy weight loss doesn’t happen quickly and doesn’t involve any clever tricks: Instead, expect to implement permanent changes in your eating habits and lifestyle. 

Weight-loss programs can involve:

  • Nutritional education
  • Diet planning
  • Supplements and meal replacements
  • Exercise recommendations
  • Stress reduction
  • IV therapy

NextHealth Care gives you individualized recommendations based on your goals, starting point, and overall health. 

How does my provider create my weight-loss plan?

When you visit NextHealth Care for a weight-loss consultation, the team provides a full exam and evaluation to assess your health. They don’t just weigh you and check your height: They may also provide a body composition analysis and additional services like laboratory testing. 

Through this process, the team can identify any challenges that make weight loss more difficult or any conditions you have that are related to your weight. They can help you manage those conditions and integrate treatment for them into your personalized weight-management program. Additionally, the action of weight loss itself may improve your outcome. 

What are the benefits of healthy weight loss?

When you lose weight with professional guidance and input, you can experience optimal benefits from weight loss for your health and well-being. Increased body fat is a risk factor for many chronic diseases that can significantly impact your life and require ongoing care. 

Healthy, controlled weight loss can reduce your risk of:

  • Hypertension
  • Heart disease
  • High cholesterol
  • High triglycerides
  • Prediabetes
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Some cancers
  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Obstructive sleep apnea

Plus, by altering your diet and routine, you may obtain additional benefits like more energy, a brighter mood, or more satisfying sleep. Consider discussing the details of your goals during your initial visit so the team can help you reach them to the best of their ability. 

Call NextHealth Care or book a weight-loss consultation online to start working toward your goals today.